The little functions that matter

Starting with C++20, some very useful functions for searching have been added to some standard containers, such as std::map, std::set, and std::string. These have been required for a long time and it’s good to see that the committee finally agreed upon their value. I hope this is the beginning of some wonderful additions.

Maps and sets

A typical operation when working with maps is to check if a given key exists. How do you do this in C++17? Well, it’s simple:

std::map<int, std::string> m{ {1, "one"}, {2, "two"}, {3, "three"} };

if (m.find(1) != m.end())
   std::cout << "key found!\n";

Although it may be simple it’s not user-friendly at all. For this reason, many have written their own contains() function that takes a map and a key and returns a boolean indicating whether the map contains the key. This is no longer necessarily in C++20 where std::map has a contains() method.

std::map<int, std::string> m{ {1, "one"}, {2, "two"}, {3, "three"} };

if (m.contains(1))
   std::cout << "key found!\n";

The same is true for std::set too.

std::set<int> s{ 1, 2, 3 };
if (s.contains(1))
   std::cout << "key found!\n";

In fact, a contains() function has been added to the following types in C++20:


A similar problem concerns strings. Often, we need to know if a string contains another string. This is how you do it in C++17:

std::string text{"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"};

if (text.find("fox") != std::string::npos)
   std::cout << "fox found!\n";

A particular case related to strings is finding a substring at the beginning and end of the string. Searching at the beginning is relatively simple:

if (text.find("The quick") == 0)
   std::cout << "right start\n";

But searching at the end requires a helper function. A possible implementation is this:

bool ends_with(std::string const & text, std::string const & substr)
   if (substr.size() > text.size()) return false;
   return std::equal(text.begin() + text.size() - substr.size(), text.end(), substr.begin());

Which can be used as follows:

if (ends_with(text, "lazy dog"))
   std::cout << "right end\n";

(Note: You can find alternative implementations for such a function here.)

This have been greatly simplified in C++20 where std::basic_string and std::basic_string_view have two more methods: starts_with() and ends_with().

if (text.starts_with("The quick"))
   std::cout << "right start\n";

if(text.ends_with("lazy dog"))
   std::cout << "right end\n";

However, there is a huge miss in C++20: a function for checking if a string contains a substring. Now, during the last C++ ISO committee meeting, such a method has been added to C++23 (P1679). This will enable us to write the following:

if (text.contains("fox"))
   std::cout << "fox found!\n";

And that is how we always wanted to write code.
Thank you!


You should keep in mind that these new string functions are case sensitive. They do not take a predicate to allow you to customize the way the search is done. Therefore, if you need to perform case-insensitive searching, then you still need to implement that yourself. A possible implementation for contains(), starts_with(), and ends_with() that performs case-insensitive search is shown here:

bool contains_ci(std::string const & text, std::string const & substr)
   if (substr.length() > text.length()) return false;

   auto it = std::search(
      text.begin(), text.end(),
      substr.begin(), substr.end(),
      [](char ch1, char ch2) { 
         return std::toupper(ch1) == std::toupper(ch2); });

   return it != text.end();

bool starts_with_ci(std::string const& text, std::string const& substr)
   if (substr.length() > text.length()) return false;

   auto it = std::search(
      text.begin(), text.begin() + substr.length(),
      substr.begin(), substr.end(),
      [](char ch1, char ch2) {
         return std::toupper(ch1) == std::toupper(ch2); });

   return it == text.begin();

bool ends_with_ci(std::string const& text, std::string const& substr)
   if (substr.length() > text.length()) return false;

   auto it = std::search(
      text.rbegin(), text.rbegin() + substr.length(),
      substr.rbegin(), substr.rend(),
      [](char ch1, char ch2) {
         return std::toupper(ch1) == std::toupper(ch2); });

   return it == text.rbegin();

And these can be used as follows:

if (contains_ci(text, "FOX"))
   std::cout << "fox found!\n";

if (starts_with_ci(text, "THE QUICK"))
   std::cout << "right start\n";

if (ends_with_ci(text, "LAZY DOG"))
   std::cout << "right end\n";

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