C++ code samples before and after Ranges

The Ranges library proposal has been accepted for C++20 at the San Diego meeting of the standard committee in November last year. The library provides components for handling ranges of values aimed at simplifying our code. Unfortunately, the Ranges library is not very well documented, which makes it harder to grasp for those that want to learn it. This post is intended as an introduction based on examples of code written with and without Ranges.

moneycpp – a C++ library for handling monetary values

I have been working lately on a C++ library for handling monetary values, currencies, rounding and other related features. It is called moneycpp and it’s a C++ 17 header-only, cross-platform library available on GitHub.

The library is intended for being used in a variety of types of application including ERP systems, banking, finance, insurance, games, and others.

The following is a list of its core requirements:

croncpp – a C++ library for CRON expressions

A CRON expression is a string composed of six fields (in some implementation seven), separated by a whites space, representing a time schedule. CRON expressions are used in various job schedulers (such as the Linux job scheduler, the Quartz scheduler, Azure scheduler for functions, etc.). Recently, I have written a C++ library for parsing such expressions and determining the next occurrence of the scheduled time. The library is called croncpp. It is written in C++17, is header-only, open-source and cross-platform, and can be found on GitHub.

C++17 removed and deprecated features

Along with the new features added to the language and the standard library in C++17, there are also existing features that have been either removed (after being deprecated in a previous version) or deprecated so they would be removed sometime in the future. Although not complete, the following tables list the most important of these removed or deprecated features.

Parsing command line arguments in C++ with Clara

In a previous post, I wrote about the C++ unit-testing framework Catch2. Catch uses another library, called Clara, for parsing command line arguments. Clara is an open-source, single-header, simple, composable and easy to use parser written by the author of Catch2. In this post, I will show how you can use Clara in C++ to parse command line arguments.

stduuid – A C++ library for universally unique identifiers

I have recently submitted a proposal for a new standard library for universally unique identifiers. The library is called uuid and the paper, P0959R0 – A Proposal for a Universally Unique Identifier Library, is available on Github. The design of the library is inspired by the Boost Uuid Library and the Crossuuid library. I got lots of great feedback that shaped the formed of the proposal from people on the ISO C++ Standard – Future Proposals forum.

Revisited: Full-fledged client-server example with C++ REST SDK 2.10

Four years ago I wrote a blog post that shown how to build a web server using the http_listener from the C++ REST SDK library as well as a client application that consumed the exposed resources. Over the years there have been various changes to the API from the library and some readers complained the…

But why?

Today I wanted to rework an example that I wrote years ago. I was a client-server example using the C++ REST SDK. I haven’t worked with the library for a while, so I needed to install the latest version first. If you go to the C++ REST SDK project page it says you need to…

Computing day of year in C++

I have been recently asked on my post on the date library if the library has a function for computing the day of the year. It actually does not, although it is fairly simple to compute it. UPDATE: Howard Hinnant has shown in a comment below how to write a day_of_year() function using the date…