C++ is fun

We all know C++ is a powerful yet complex programming language. But it can also be fun. For instance, you can use emojis and other Unicode characters in the source code. Of course, nobody sane would use emojis for identifiers. But it’s possible and you can have a little fun if have some spare time.

Identifiers are sequences of digits, underscores, lowercase and upper case Latin letters, and most Unicode characters. Identifiers are not allowed to begin with a digit, they must begin with an underscore, a Latin letter, or a non-digit Unicode character. For more information about the Unicode characters in identifiers see this.

So here is a little example of a C++ program that uses emojis. Can you figure out what it does?

C++ fun strange facts

The title might be a little bit misleading because, on one hand, you might not find these things funny if you are stumbling upon them and not understanding what is going on, and, on the other hand, they are not really strange when you pay attention to what is going on. However, here is a list of five (randomly picked) C++ features that would probably get you giving a second thought to what’s going on.

Facebook in Pirate English

Well, if you didn’t know there was a Pirate English you can find it on facebook. Scroll to the bottom of the facebook page, click on the language link and select English (Pirate). A new world will unveil. For instance “What’s on your mind” becomes “What be troublin’ ye”, “Edit my Profile” becomes “Fix up…