Highlights from Microsoft Build 2020

The Microsoft Build 2020 event happened this week, and, unlike all previous editions, it was a digital event only. Moreover, it was also free, so everybody could attend the 48 hours marathon. Microsoft made a lot of announcements and released various products and services for Windows, Azure, Office, Visual Studio, Edge, and more. In this post, I will summarize the things that I found the most interesting for me.

Advent of Code 2018

I have recently come across a website that proposes a series of programming challenges throughout December, until Christmas. It’s called Advent of Code and this is the fourth year it runs this competition. Every day, a new challenge is made available, and each challenge has two parts. You only get the second part after completing the first. It does not matter what programming language you use for solving the challenge, nor how the code looks or how fast it executes. The only thing that matters is the result.

NuGet package for cpplinq

NuGet has recently added support for native projects. This simplifies a lot deployment of native libraries. Even though cpplinq is not a big library (in fact is just a header file) I have created a NuGet package so that you are able to automatically add it to your project. Here is what you have to…

Chrome 11 Speech Input

This Wednesday Google released version 11 of the Chrome Browser. One of the most important addition was the support for speech recognition for English. One can enable speech recognition in an input field by adding the x-webkit-speech proprietary attribute, like in this example: <input type=”text” x-webkit-speech /> The result should look like this (of course,…

Playing With Fire

Congratulations to Paula Seling and Ovi who won the 3rd place in the Eurovision Song Contest 2010. I linked the winning song too, but I think we could have actually won this year. The good things is that unlike previous years, the best songs ended at the top, even if the preferences order differs from…

Visma Developer Days 2010

I am currently in Oslo for Visma Developer Days 2010, a conference for developers and QAs within Visma R&D and partners, which ended today. There were about 300 people here from five countries. I’ve attended very interesting keynotes on open software, HTML5, Silverlight 4, DITA and Documentation 2.0 and presentation on various topics, ranging from…